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Wildcat Family

District News

Budget Override Continuation

Gilbert Public Schools Governing Board approved that in November 2024, voters living within Gilbert Public School boundaries will decide on a proposed 15% budget override continuation. This would be a continuation of the existing budget override approved by voters in November 2019 and in place since the 2020/21 school year.      

Read More about Budget Override Continuation

Principal's Update

Start of the Year

Welcome Wildcats!

Welcome to all our teachers, staff, and students to the 2024-25 school year! We are excited to learn and be involved with students and the school community.

As we move into the school year I'd like to share our three school improvement goals: Improving Reading Comprehension of Complex Text, Problem Solving Skills, and increasing the Graduation Rate.

Our instructional action steps include: questioning & discussion strategies, word acquisition, annotation skills, problem-solving methods and questioning, and as always, trying to build positive relationships with our students. We are also emphasizing being on time and minimizing distractions in the classroom. This includes promoting cell phone and laptop responsibility, tardy policies, and minimizing unnecessary bathroom visits.

Please help support us with this as you talk with your student. To help track morning tardies, we ask that parents come into the office to sign their students in if they are late.

Again, thanks to everyone involved as we look forward to a successful and productive year for all.

Mr. Lynch

Read the Wildcat Press Newsletter


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